THIS SERIES: KICK THE WORRY HABITTo get free from worry we have to be willing to put down our unbelief and lack of trust, and set ourselves to renew our minds, and align ourselves and our thoughts with God. If we have identified areas in our hearts where we doubt the Lord’s goodness to us, or feel that He is withholding good from us (see last post), then we need to lay these things before Him, confessing the underlying thought patterns as sin, because we are crediting the Lord with behaviour that is unworthy of Him. Then, acknowledging our lack of understanding, we need to ask Him to show us the truth. The root meaning of the Greek word for ‘repentance’ is to change your way of thinking. To get free from worry we have to be willing to put down our unbelief and lack of trust, and set ourselves to renew our minds, and align ourselves and our thoughts with God. 5 WAYS TO DEVELOP TRUSTTo build trust in the Lord’s goodness, we can… 1. Spend time reflecting on what the Gospels teach us about Jesus. Jesus came to reveal the Father —whatever is true about Jesus, is also true about the Father. Think about how Jesus responded to the different needs around Him … that was the Father’s response made visible. 2. Take time to research what the Bible has to say about this topic. Try looking up, ‘What does the Bible say about the goodness of God?’ Or do a word search; and are helpful sites. 3. Start to declare the truth you are learning aloud: “God is good—all the time.” Then personalise it: “God is good to me—all the time!” The page on this site, THE POWER OF THE SPOKEN WORD tells you more about the importance of your words. 4. Don’t be side-tracked by your perception of what hasn’t happened, or prayers which seem to have gone unanswered. The Lord has chosen to work in partnership with us—and we’re on a learning curve! Focus instead on the many blessings which fill your life, and the prayers which have been answered, and begin to celebrate them. 5. Search the Scriptures for promises about your particular issue. All God’s promises are yes in Christ! (See below.) Start to declare them over your life. For no matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes’ in Christ. And so through Him the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God. [2 Corinthians 1:20] NEXT WEEK: 4. REPLACE WORRY WITH HOPE When talking to yourself is the only sane thing to do… GET IN TOUCH...[Photo credits: Melissa Askew (girl in field); Alabaster Co (Gospels); Mimi Thian (Group) @ Unsplash, with thanks]
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