What does God think of me? Who am I really? HAVE YOU GOT A QUESTION? Answering the question of who we are is fundamental to internal rest. Uncertainty about personal identity results in low self-esteem and is a huge stress-producer.
The answer to who I am is found, not in myself or in what I do, but in God, and it begins—maybe surprisingly—with thinking rightly about Him. For many, the internal image of God is of a stern judge, aloof and unmoved, dispensing cold justice and discipline like a Victorian father.
If we want to know what He is really like, let’s look at Jesus: Then Jesus cried out... 'The one who looks at Me is seeing the One who sent Me'.
[John 12:45] |
Am I just a face in the crowd, or a unique individual with a specific calling and destiny?
There is a basic human need to be seen and heard; to feel our lives have significance and purpose.
The good news is that God knows me through and through; every thought, every action, every hope and every dream. And what is more, because He knows the end from the beginning, nothing I do will ever surprise or disappoint Him.
And yet I am totally accepted... |
Jesus went through terrible suffering, laying down His life on the Cross, because He thought you and I were worth paying the ultimate price for. Whatever circumstances may have suggested, or others may have told you, that is God’s estimate of your worth—and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Not only have you incredible value to God, you were chosen before the foundation of the world to become His child and a member of His family. |
There is nothing I can do to make God love me more than He does right now; and there is nothing I can do to make Him love me less. Click to Tweet |
Through faith in Jesus we have become children of God, and our Father in Heaven delights in us. There is nothing we can do to make Him love us more than He does right now; there is nothing we can do to make Him love us less.
If you want to know how to accept God’s invitation to become His child please read the page A BRAND NEW LIFE, which will guide you through the process. |
Poor or inadequate fathering leaves deep wounds in our identity. This book by Mark Stibbe addresses this issue, and points us to the healing available through our Heavenly Father's embrace.
[Click on image to be redirected to Amazon**, where this book can be purchased.Featured resources are my personal recommendations for help in the journey.* ] |
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unless otherwise credited © All rights reserved. |
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