What does it mean to be in Christ? What does being born again mean? HAVE YOU GOT A QUESTION? |
The freedom which comes from being forgiven is wonderful. (See BUILDING A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD), but it doesn’t stop there… because what I really need to be at rest in my body, soul and spirit, is a brand-new me!
Jesus' death didn’t only deal with my shortfall, it dealt with me. I do wrong because there is something inside of me that is wrong. I think we can all identify with the words of the apostle Paul:
I want to do what is right, but I can’t.
I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. [Romans 7:18,19 NLT] |
Watchman Nee*, a well-known Chinese Christian writer, used the illustration of a ticket placed in a book: whether you send the book across the country, put it in a dark cellar, or take to the top of the highest skyscraper, the ticket goes too. Wherever the book is, the ticket is as well. This is what it means to be ‘in Christ’. So as the ‘ticket in the book’, when Jesus died, the old me died too. But in the same way, when Jesus rose from the dead... |
By trusting in Jesus' death to deal with my sins, and His resurrection to give me new life, I can begin again. This is the real source of internal peace. Click to Tweet |
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