We read in Genesis [Genesis 1 & 2]*, that after God finished creating the world, He pronounced it ‘good’; He blessed it (empowered it to flourish), then He ‘rested’, (‘shabbat’ in Hebrew), which means to cease. Having concluded His work, God then set the next period (the seventh day) apart, and set things in motion for everything to prosper.
These were the circumstances in which Adam and Eve, the last work of creation, spent their first day. The picture here is important. Before they started their appointed task of stewarding creation, they rested in the finished work—in the amazing provision of God. |
Later on, the principle of Sabbath was enshrined in the Law [Exodus 20: 8-11]. It was to be a test of faith. To take a whole day out to rest was a radical idea in an ancient society—and everyone was to stop work, not just the wealthy, but even foreign visitors, servants and animals. In order to obey this command, people had to believe that there would be enough… enough remaining time to do all that needed doing… enough harvest for their needs… They had to believe that the Lord would be faithful to His promises.
These pictures of Sabbath rest prefigured the rest in God’s provision which would come through Christ. Just before Jesus died on the cross, He cried out ‘It is finished!’, then we read that He bowed His head (literally, rested in the Greek, a deliberate act, not a helpless drooping), and ‘gave up His spirit’ [John 19:30]. His assignment to defeat Satan was completed; He had vanquished the enemy, disempowering the Powers of Darkness, and unleashed His Kingdom in the earth. REGULAR SABBATH-TIME
Do Christians need to keep the Sabbath? Is Sabbath rest important? HAVE YOU GOT A QUESTION? |
Modern science agrees that regular rest-periods from our work-a-day lives are essential for our well-being; and particularly necessary in our fast-paced, demanding world, in order to refresh, recalibrate, and re-focus.
The only problem is, many of us struggle to take time out because…there is too much to do…we haven’t finished the required tasks… we can’t afford to stop… our workplace is making too many demands… Taking ‘Sabbath time’ out of our busy routines is an act of faith; faith that we will have enough time to complete our ‘to do’ lists; faith that if we put down our projects for a moment it will be ok. Time is a resource—like money—and a gift from the Lord. We need to grow in faith that as we give our time to Him, He will provide what we need. And as we learn to live in the good of the finished work of the Cross, and by receiving His ongoing provision—for our past, present and future—then physical rest is so much easier, a natural outworking of the Spirit’s life in us. But we have to come to an end of ourselves to enter in. Jesus has done it all; like Adam and Eve, we cannot earn it, we do not deserve it, we just need to receive and enjoy it! |
As we have seen, Sabbath is directly related to provision. The more aware we become of the Lord’s amazing grace towards us, the more we will want to stop and worship Him. Each time we do this, we are taking a ‘Sabbath Moment’—and we can find that our days develop a sacred rhythm. In these moments, when we stop to focus on the Lord, there is an inter-connection between earth and heaven, time and eternity. These Sabbath moments become ‘sanctified’—set apart—a gateway for the things of Heaven to be released on earth…
For more thoughts on worship, and other aspects of personal devotion, see SPIRIT-LED ENCOUNTERS: THE RHYTHM OF DEVOTION. |
Sabbath hours, moments and days can be sprinkled liberally throughout our weeks and months. They do not need to be limited to Sundays, nor to formal Christian gatherings or church services. www.rhythmsofgrace/spirit-led-refreshment/rhythm-of-sabbath Click to Tweet |
In the past, busy with aspects of Church leadership, Sunday was usually the least restful period of the week for my husband and me—as it is for many of you. So we had to set aside alternative rest-periods, which changed according to our needs. We needed to think outside the box…
Over the years our ‘Sabbath time’ has included…
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unless otherwise credited © rhythmsofgraceuk.org All rights reserved. |
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