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Our devotional time is not just about us talking. A two-way relationship means we need to be listening as well. While occasionally people hear an actual voice, most of the time we hear from God by ideas and impressions which form in our hearts, a verse or passage of scripture which ‘leaps’ out at us, or something else we read or hear seems to strike us with significance.
And again, there isn’t a ‘right’ way. In addition to hearing the Lord speak through Bible reading, some hear God frequently through His creation, others through mundane tasks, still others, through works of art, or everyday conversation. In addition, why not ask Him to speak while you are asleep? I often wake up with clear answers to questions I have asked; in fact, over the years I have found I hear the Lord best when I’m not trying. However, there is an important rider on this… |
The Bible, the Word of God, is hugely important, because it is the plumb-line for everything we think we hear. The Word reveals the true nature and principles of the Lord—anything which deviates from that revelation should be mistrusted. It is therefore very important that we get to know the Bible, so that we can realign our thinking with His (See CREATING NEW MINDSETS).
Some of the ways we can give the Spirit ‘something to work with’ (see Part 1) are: Buy a Bible: there are many versions available; why not try out Mark 1, for example, in different versions online, then ask the Holy Spirit to point you to the best one for you. You can also buy Bible editions for Kindle, or as audio books, such as the one below. Another book that I often recommend to people just getting to grips with Scripture is, 'The Illustrated Bible' from Dorling Kindersley. With beautiful photos, and informative articles, this hefty tome gives a great overview of the historical and cultural settings of the Bible, as well as His Story! The edition I own appears to have been replaced by the one below, and can be purchased from Amazon** by clicking on the book cover.
Study books: you may like to use Daily Bible Notes or study books, or an integrated Study-Bible. (Eden Booksellers stock a wide variety:
The content of the first two sections of this website has also been published in paperback and kindle format, with added material, and study questions. Click on the book cover below for more details. |
What do you love doing?
Are you a writer, or creative with fabrics? Do you love running, tinkering with cars, or playing with children? Identify the things which make your heart sing, and then ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to worship in that activity. And what are the things you have to do? Is your time filled with your job, frequent travel, household tasks, or caring responsibilities? Ask the Spirit how these things can become your worship. |
What about opportunities to express gratitude?
Our days are filled with gifts of grace, if we take time to notice. Thanksgiving can rise up continually to the Lord, and is a crucial expression of worship. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to notice things throughout the day. You can find more on this on the CHOOSING GRATITUDE page. And then there’s musical worship…
If you are blessed with musical ability, why not ask the Spirit to help you sing or play your own songs to the Lord. If you are not, why not look out worship songs on You Tube, (or those displayed on this website). Ask the Spirit to show you how to use these resources in a way that is personal to you. |
Cast your cares
If you feel burdened down with worries, or if you have particular needs, you can bring every concern to the Lord; He cares about even the smallest thing which troubles you. Ask the Spirit of Grace to help you to pray—and pray expecting answers. Answered prayer is God’s will for you! Confession We have seen that our sins have been forgiven through the amazing sacrifice of Jesus. But living in a fallen world, our ‘feet’ get dirty and our consciences become troubled. This is easily remedied: we confess our sins to the Lord, and thank Him for the forgiveness and cleansing He has promised. Maybe you can make it a regular thing, last thing at night? |
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unless otherwise credited © All rights reserved. |
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