LET’S SLOW DOWN & CELEBRATE AUTUMN I was watching the setting sun a few nights ago, dyeing the valley with hues of pink—a glimpse of glory as night set in, and a welcome lift after a trying day. We need to punctuate our days with such moments of refreshment, but we also need set-aside time when we can respond to Jesus’ invitation: ‘Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’ [Mark 6:31] A seasonal way we can do this is by planning an ‘Autumn Date with Jesus’; a personal ‘retreat’ to spend time with the Great Creator, and recalibrate our souls… God is by His nature continuously articulate. He fills the world with His speaking voice. PLAN A PERSONAL AUTUMN RETREAT 1. PREPARE. Choose a place in the great outdoors where you feel comfortable and safe. It could be the local park, the gardens of a country house, the river bank or the hills. Perhaps you could go with a group of friends, spend an allotted time alone with the Lord, then meet for coffee and sharing? Arm yourself with a notebook and camera or other means of response (see below…) and expectation! 2. FOCUS. Deliberately lay all your pressing concerns down as you leave the house. Turn your focus towards Jesus, and ask Him to join you. 3. GO FOR A SENSORY WALK. Our wonderful Father has all sorts of treasures stored up for your enjoyment; slow your pace down and begin to take notice of your surroundings. Then, using each of your senses in turn, ask Him to help you to tune in to His creation. As you become aware of things, enjoy His delight (He has pronounced it all ‘very good’), and talk to Him about them; sharing your pleasure, wonder, thanksgiving and praise. 4. RESPOND. Take time to respond to these grace-gifts. Take photos, paint, draw, write a poem, sing a song, collect materials for a table decoration—whatever works for you—this is about heart-response, not artistic ability. 5. GO DEEPER. Then allow yourself to become silent inside; turn your heart again towards the Great Creator, and ask Him to share His heart. 6. RECORD. Take a few minutes to write down the thoughts and impressions as they come to mind. Jesus promised that rivers of living water would flow from your inner being, so let that river of refreshment flow. AND IF YOU CAN’T GET OUTSIDE? Use the photographs on this page: CREATION'S VOICE to spend some time with the Lord of Creation.
Or use a YouTube video such as the one below: You can also find more suggestions for Autumn on the 'Rhythm of Seasonal Living' page NEXT WEEK: NEW SERIES: FINDING REST AND PEACE IN THIS WINTER SEASON GET IN TOUCH![Photo credits: Aaron Burden (seat) @ Unsplash; YouTube video: Nature Relaxation Films, with thanks]
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unless otherwise credited © rhythmsofgraceuk.org All rights reserved. |
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